
Rescue 6 poor puppies on the train tracks when their mother is no more

Rescue 6 poor puppies on the train tracks when their mother is no more

GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU WHO RESCUE THE ABANDONED AND HELPLESS ANIMALS! I bet the mother is looking down and telling those people, “Thank you for saving my babies” ❤️ My most sincere congratulations to these people who are dedicated to saving and protecting helpless dogs and animals and health problems. What a pain to see your mother die, poor little ones 😭😭😭😭 God bless you for that gesture of love x these helpless little angels 🙌🙌 Gracias por rescatar a los cachorritos I hope they are adopted🙏♥️♥️gracias por a parte para que rest el cuerpo de la mamita 🙏♥️ God has a better life 🙏😭😭🙌🙏♥️ God bless you with full hands x save these dogs from a safe and painful death! 😏👏🙏🙏😘 There is always an angel on earth, congratulations to this NGO may God bless you all for taking care of these poor helpless people God is always blessed all of you 🤠😃 Beautiful attitude of this man saving the dogs if everyone were like this our world would be better pity the death of mamá. There is always someone with a good heart who is an animal lover.

Thanks to you for rescuing these puppies and burying their mother. God rewards everyone. You are the guardian angels of animals. 👏👏👏🙌🙌🙌😊 My GOD BLESS this guy who takes care of the ABANDONED pets Guys, you are great fellows! I express my deep gratitude for saving the lives of small defenseless children who were left without a mother.

God bless you! Thanks for saving these dogs that were sufriended… God bless them for their big heart Pobre mama!! But how good that these angels found and sheltered these babies!!! Dios los bendiga 🙏 Poor little mother of theirs even better that there are still people like these in the world 😢 congratulations may God bless 🙏🙏🙏🙏 God bless and protect these men for their noble and great heart , rescue and offer care to these innocents orphans have infinite value God bless them and protect them always 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕♥️😥 Thank you for rescuing these babies, giving their mother a proper burial, and not leaving her there. Rest in Peace to their poor mother.


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